In the “other” tab, you will find the courses concerning the 5S method, ergonomics, the Serious Game workshop which is also presented at ECAM and the specifications.

The 5S method is a practice expressing the desire to rid one’s living or working environment of the things that encumber it, to ensure that it remains tidy, to keep it in order, to clean it and to install it, the rigor necessary for quality and just in time. It is a simple method to involve all staff and applies to all positions in the factory. You will find the 5S method games and lessons in this tab.


Developing ergonomic workstations involves improving the working environment and working methods, as this helps the community to reduce the number of sick days and accidents at work, improve the quality of work and increase efficiency and production volumes. Employees who work in a pleasant environment are more energetic and more productive. You will find courses and videos on industrial ergonomics.

Beyond the scientific & technical, organizational, economic and environmental dimensions, this Industrial & Supply Chain Management workshop also purports a human experience – team working project around industrial problematics.

We do hope this workshop will benefit you during your engineering student degree.

Audit Game_ BEFORE_Method 5SLink to the audit questionnaire
Audit Game_AFTER_Method 5SLink to the audit questionnaire